Thanks to everyone for attending the seminar on Monday 30 June. You can download the presentation I gave by clicking on the link below. Regards, David Gilroy ...
Not content with buying up as many software companies as they can i.e. OPSIS fell under the sword last week, IRIS clearly need to add more staff per this advert in today's Sunday Times. Perhaps people displaced from some of the Lexis Nexis or Tikit...
I read with interest a piece on page 4 of last week's issue regarding Nigel Salter's view of how law firms "lose" 75% of people before web users move beyond the home page, you can read it online at ...
I read a great commentary article in Revolution the other day. The author was reflecting on the old Chinese proverb :- "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand." and how this can be applied...
Came across this short video on the BDO Stoy Hayward site the other day. Great example of the use of video to get a marketing message across. The videos were actually launched by BDO via Second Life, the virtual world environment. ...