Law websites found wanting!!!

Law websites found wanting!!!

I read with interest a piece on page 4 of last week's issue regarding Nigel Salter's view of how law firms "lose" 75% of people before web users move beyond the home page, you can read it online at

OK, when I say I read it with interest, what I meant was I became a little incredulous as I read it.

I'd be interested to see what statistics he used to support this view as this is completely contrary to what we find with any of the 150+ websites we run for law firms.

Take the following three sets of data taken from a random selection of our clients (of different sizes as you will see).

Client 1 (28 partners)
- Home page bounce rate = 15.32%
- Overall bounce rate = 29.82%

Client 2 (9 partners)
- Home page bounce rate = 15.32%
- Overall bounce rate = 29.82%

Client 3 (partners)
- Home page bounce rate = 11.44%
- Overall bounce rate = 26.28%

The "bounce rate" is where someone lands on your website, then "bounces" off somewhere else, i.e. does not look at another page. As you will see, the overall bounce rate is significantly less than 75%, and the home page bounce rate is even lower!!

One of the unique services we provide our clients is a regularly updated legal news service, this is a key component in keeping your bounce rate down, as you have fresh content with which to engage visitors to your website.