Involve me and I will understand...

Involve me and I will understand...

I read a great commentary article in Revolution the other day.  The author was reflecting on the old Chinese proverb :-

"Tell me and I will forget,
show me and I may remember,
involve me and I will understand."

and how this can be applied to a businesses desire to build a brand.  I did try to find the full article on the Revolution website, but could not.

Anyway, I agreed with what he said, which is how do we as owners of brands, get our prospects and clients "fully engaged" with our brand to ensure they understand it.  Not an easy question to answer, particularly in a blog post.  However, for me it has to be the method by which you can get clients to interactive with you and all facets of yoru brand.  This does not just mean getting your "visible brand" in front of them, but getting them engaged with the other side of your brand, the "invisible brand". 

I'll be doing some more thinking on this over the coming weeks and hope to write something longer on it shortly.