The email below is a "Google Alert". This is the Google system that keeps track of phrases that you are interested in e.g. names of clients, competitors etc. When Google sees that phrase appear on a page that has been recently added to its index, it alerts you.
There was a great comment/letter on the Readers Say page of this week’s Marketing magazine titled 'Heritage must be used in a contemporary way'.
Great conference run by 360 Legal at 7 Bedford Row in London. Except that the session I saw before lunch over-ran by more than 20've never seen so many people legit out of the room to get at the food....
Thank you for your interest in our law firms website benchmarking audit. Please note that you can only join this audit if your website is using Google Analytics. The reason for this is that different website statistics packages interpret data in...
May saw the following websites go live :- Gorvins - Graham Evans & Partners - Chesham & Co. - 1 Hare Court - ...