Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising Services for Lawyers

PPC for law firms can be a successful marketing strategy helping your law firm generate new enquiries. If there is a service area your firm is particularly looking for new work in, our paid advertising campaigns can help you reach those clients specifically. This means you are only spending your marketing budget where you need new work.

PPC for law firms a powerful tool to attract highly targeted leads and increase their online presence. By utilising search PPC campaigns for law firms, retargeting and remarketing, paid social campaigns, and display advertising, your law firm can optimise its digital marketing efforts and achieve tangible results.

Remember, PPC marketing for lawyers is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, so it's crucial to stay updated with the latest trends and strategies to maintain a competitive edge.

If you're ready to take your law firm's online marketing to the next level and want new clients now, get in touch with our legal PPC advertising team today to discuss your specific needs and goals.

Get in touch on 0117 325 0200 or sales@conscious.co.uk.

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  • 1021%
  • increase in conversions from Q1 2022 to Q1 2023 for a medical negligence PPC client. 
  • 198%
  • increase in overall traffic (clicks) from Q1 2022 to Q1 2023 for a personal injury PPC client.
  • 173%
  • increase in conversion rate from the first year of running (Q3 2018 - Q3 2019) compared to the current year of running (Q2 2022 - Q2 2023) a conveyancing PPC campaign.

See how we help law firms with their PPC

What are the benefits of PPC for law firms?

PPC for solicitors has many benefits, so let’s discuss what benefits your law firm could see.

1. Search Engine Position

With PPC for law firms, you have more chance of appearing at the top of Google and other search engine results pages (SERPs). When a user searches a query on a search engine such as Google, the search engine shows thousands of search engine results pages (SERPs). In addition to these results, a search engine will show advertisements on the results page at the top of page one. Look for yourself, you might notice posts that have the word ‘sponsored’ above them.

By using paid advertising, your law firm can appear at the top of the page of results, meaning your firm is in the forefront of the searcher’s mind.  

2. Attracts High-Intent Searchers

In addition to search engine position, with PPC for law firms, you will also be attracting high-intent searchers to your law firm website. By using paid advertising, you are targeting users when they are actively searching for information about the services your law firm provides.  If your paid advertising is getting clicks, but people aren’t converting, the user experience of your website might be a problem that needs fixing.

3. You can Advertise Specific Services

A lot of law firms offer an array of services, and there might be specific service areas where you are looking for more work. For example, you might be inundated with residential conveyancing enquiries from your search engine optimisation, but you want to get more enquiries for commercial property, and this is where paid advertising comes in. Paid advertising for law firms is not just about raising brand awareness but targeting specific users with a search intent for a specific service area.

4. You can Advertise in any Geography

PPC for law firms allows you to choose your geography, which means you can extend your advertising reach beyond your physical location. This means you can tap into new markets, test out whether the competition is too fierce before branching out, or simply capitalise on a nearby place being underserved.

5. Promote Unique Selling Points with Extensions

Ad extensions are powerful tools that help your ads to stand out from competitors. They are tools that contain useful business information which can help give users more reasons to choose your business. These ‘extras’ might be the difference between someone clicking on your ad or not!

Some of the ad extensions we use at Conscious include:

  • Images: by choosing relevant, informative and easy to understand images, you are helping searches understand the link between the search query they have and the services you are offering.
  • Callouts: these are small sections of text beneath your ad. You can use this space to promote your firm by sharing information about your services, qualifications, accreditations and expertise and how to get in contact with your firm.
  • Site links: these are additional links place in the description below your ad. These are more prominent and stand out more so than other parts of the ad, so we’d highly recommend using these. 

6. Quick Results

All of the above benefits help to lead to quick results. That’s not to say PPC for law firms is an easy win, but you will see results much quicker than an SEO campaign or a social media project if your firm has the right budgets in place. This is because paid advertising is targeting those high-intent searches who are specifically looking for a service when they search. 

Get in contact with the PPC advertising team today to find out how we can help your law firm achieve quick, good-quality leads from a paid advertising campaign. 

Who we work with


PPC Marketing for Lawyers: A Comprehensive Guide to Paid Advertising Campaigns

At Conscious, we specialise in four types of paid advertising campaigns to help you get the best results from your budget and reach the audiences that best suit your services.

1. Search pay-per-click advertising for law firms

Search pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for law firms is a powerful way to place your services directly in front of potential clients who are actively searching for legal assistance. By bidding on keywords related to your practice areas, your ads appear prominently in search engine results when potential clients type in relevant queries. This type of PPC for law firms ensures that your advertisement reaches individuals with a high intent to find legal services, maximising the chances of converting clicks into clients. Effective keyword research, compelling ad copy, and optimised landing pages are crucial to the success of search PPC campaigns.

2. Paid social advertising for law firms

Paid social advertising for law firms leverages platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to target specific demographics and professional groups. This type of PPC for law firms allows you to reach potential clients based on criteria such as age, location, interests, and occupation. Social media platforms offer robust targeting options, enabling law firms to create highly customised campaigns that can engage users with visually appealing content. Whether you aim to build brand awareness, generate leads, or promote specific services, paid social advertising can be a valuable addition to your law firm's digital marketing strategy.

3. Display advertising for law firms

Display advertising for law firms involves placing banner ads on relevant websites across the internet. These visually engaging ads can help increase brand visibility and awareness among potential clients as they browse online. Display ads can be targeted based on various factors, including website content, user demographics, and behavioural data. This type of PPC for law firms is particularly effective for reaching a broader audience and staying top-of-mind with potential clients who may not be actively searching for legal services at the moment but could need them in the future. However, you need to ensure you are choosing relevant websites to advertise on.

4. Retargeting and remarketing for law firms

Retargeting and remarketing for law firms focus on re-engaging visitors who have previously interacted with your website or ads but did not take action. This type of PPC for law firms is designed to keep your services in front of potential clients as they continue to browse the internet. By using cookies to track website visitors, you can serve personalised ads to remind them of your firm and encourage them to return and complete their enquiry. Retargeting is a highly effective way to improve conversion rates and maximise the return on investment for your PPC campaigns, as it targets individuals who have already shown interest in your services.

At Conscious, we understand the unique needs of law firms and tailor our PPC strategies to meet those needs effectively. By implementing these four types of PPC for law firms, we help you achieve optimal results and grow your client base in a competitive legal market.

How our team support PPC advertising services for lawyers

The PPC team at Conscious is rapidly growing due to the increased success of PPC advertising for law firms. 

Our PPC team is made up by Alona MacKay and Owen Griffiths. Owen joined the team in 2022 and works on all of our client's day-to-day PPC work.

Our PPC team have Google and Bing accreditations, takes part in ongoing training and stays up to date on relevant industry news, updates, and changes to ensure they are helping their law firm clients to become successful online.

Paid advertising helps get your law firm’s content in front of the right people when they need it.


What is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for law firms?

PPC for law firms means what it says - you will pay Google (or another search engine) a fee every time someone clicks on your sponsored ads. Pay-per-click advertising comes under paid advertising which can entail social media advertising, display advertising, remarketing and retargeting too. 

Do Google Ads work for law firms?

In our experience, Google Ads is a highly effective tool for generating new leads, targeting users with high search intent, and increasing the brand awareness for your law firm. With the right advice, budget and monitoring your law firm can see excellent results from Google Ads. Chat to us today to find out how we can help your law firm become more successful online with paid advertising.

What are the different types of PPC for law firms?

At Conscious, we work with various types of paid advertising for law firms: search PPC advertising, display ads, social media ads, remarketing and retargeting.

What is the difference between Google Ads and Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads) for UK law firms?

The main difference between Google Ads and Microsoft Ads for UK law firms lies in their audience and reach, as well as their advertising products and costs.

Audience and Reach - Google Ads has a significantly larger market share than Bing Ads in the UK and worldwide, which means that Google Ads has a much larger audience and reach. This can be an advantage for UK law firms that want to target a wide audience and have a larger budget for their online advertising campaigns. However, Microsoft Ads can be a better option for law firms that want to target a more specific audience, such as older or professional users who tend to use Bing more frequently.

Advertising Features - Google Ads offers a wider range of advertising features and tools, including more ad formats, more targeting options, and more advanced analytics tools. This can be particularly useful for UK law firms that want to create more sophisticated advertising campaigns and measure their results more effectively. Microsoft Ads, on the other hand, offers more affordable advertising costs, which can be advantageous for UK law firms with smaller budgets.

Costs - Google Ads tends to have higher advertising costs than Microsoft Ads due to its larger audience and more advanced advertising features. However, the cost of advertising on both platforms can vary depending on the competition for specific keywords, the quality score of the ads, and the bidding strategy of the advertiser.

In summary, Google Ads and Microsoft Ads can both be effective advertising platforms for UK law firms, depending on their specific needs and goals. Google Ads may be a better option for law firms that want to target a larger audience and have a larger budget, while Bing Ads can be a more affordable option for law firms that want to target a specific audience and have a smaller budget. Lots of firms choose to split their budget between both.

What are the benefits of PPC advertising for lawyers?

Display ads are great because they can reach a broad audience across various websites, increasing brand visibility and reaching potential clients who may not be actively searching for legal services.

Retargeting and remarketing ads target users who have already shown interest, increasing the likelihood of conversion. This is a good tool to use if you already have strong website traffic. With a tailored landing page, you can retarget potential clients with new or improved information ready for them to convert.

And Paid Search campaigns, one of the most well-known types of paid advertising campaigns allows law firms to reach potential clients actively searching for specific legal services, ensuring highly targeted traffic to their website. By appearing at the top of search engine result pages, law firms can gain immediate visibility and outrank competitors.

PPC platforms such as Google Ads also provide detailed analytics, allowing law firms to track the return on investment of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions. This makes conversations with partners and explaining your results from marketing campaigns all the easier. 

With paid advertising, we work alongside law firms to control their advertising budget and can adjust it based on campaign performance and business goals.

Overall, PPC campaigns can generate quick results, driving immediate traffic and leads to law firm websites.

What is user experience (UX)?

UX is an essential part of a successful paid advertising campaign. The landing page you choose should include all of the necessary elements to help a searcher convert. This includes calls to action, content that is well-written, easy to understand and flows logically. The content also needs to answer the searcher’s question. 

A user is more likely to convert if they land on a page that has good UX, so make sure this is top of your to-do list. At Conscious, we’ll help you create a landing page that will convert searchers.

What is search intent in PPC advertising?

Search intent is the reason why someone is looking for something. Your keywords, content and landing page should marry up with the information a searcher is searching for. 

What our clients say

We have been working with Conscious since 2009, and we can’t see our partnership changing any time soon! The team at Conscious has taken the time to get to know our firm, personality and goals to help create successful marketing strategies that have helped us to become more successful online. We are especially pleased with the results from our paid advertising campaigns and have seen a real benefit in implementing this.

Amy Seppman, Marketing Director — JCP Solicitors

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