Does social media work? It sure does!

Does social media work? It sure does!

Does social media work? It sure does!

Want to know how effective LinkedIn can be? Well, last week I made sure as I usually do each week to look for topics in various LinkedIn groups, on which I can contribute. Usually these are around the topic of digital marketing for law firms.

Having seen a discussion on the PM Forum group entitled ‘’Social Media Marketing - How can I get the Partners to ''get it'' – I joined the debate and advised on how we feel this should be done within a legal practice and with pure, shameless, self-promotion in mind, I included a link to our 51 Killer Tactics For an Effective Social Media Strategy For Law Firms tips booklet.

Three days later, we (along with 2,930 other professionals) received the group’s weekly email update – listing the ‘most active discussions’ together with the most recent comments within particular debates.  There's a screenshot of the email below, and you can clearly see my post and the link.

Within 1 hour ten individuals (ranging from Marketing Managers in the ‘Magic Circle’ to Communication Managers across the water in Canada) had visited our website and downloaded a copy of the tips booklet, along with others in our complete series.

One single comment enabled us reach out to nearly 3,000 professionals across the globe and engage interest in one of our services. How many forms of marketing can achieve that for free? Well, the opportunity cost of the time spent aside.

So, does Social Media have a place in the legal market? Yes it does! Any law firm could have done what I did last week, they just need the time, inclination, something of value to say & to link to, and to find the right groups in which to participate....easy huh?