Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging

I was never a big fan of instant messaging when it first came out.  But over the last few years I've kind of settled into a pattern of what it's good for.

You know when you want to check if someone can talk, but don't want to interrupt them with a phone call, then a quick "yt?" by instant message is a quick way of find out if they can talk.  Then you can pick up the phone and speak with them.  Also, I like the video calling feature, call me old fashioned, but there's nothing quite like meeting people face-to-face, and instant messaging is the complete antithesis of that, so being able to do video calls brings back the personal touch....also means I have to shave a bit more often!!

Also, as we do business with some companies outside the UK we can either use Skype to Skype for free over the internet, or using SkypeOut to make Skype to landline called for just over 1p per minute wherever we are calling.  So we use it to call :-

 We have adopted Skype as our instant messaging tool of choice, so if you want to "talk to us" in the ether rather than picking up the phone, then you can reach me on :-

  • dgilroybs8

and if there is someone else in our team that you'd like to contact in this way, let me know and I can give you their Skype address.