Sunday Times piece on

Sunday Times piece on

I see that the PR bandwagon rolls on with a nice piece in The Sunday Times today.

There's even a bit of scaremongering in there with "experts" being quoted as warning that up to a 1/3rd of "....local law firms" going out of business.  That paints quite a bleak picture for the legal profession if these "experts" turn out to be correct.

It's amazing to me that a brand such as Tesco can manage to get it's name attributed to a phrase such as "Tesco Law", more power to them I say, even though they've kind of stated that it's not a service they are planning to offer.

The next couple of years are going to be interesting for the legal profession and with a range of referral / lead generation / associations being spawned I just wonder which of the following is really going to prove useful to the market :-

Which horse have you staked your money on?