nFlow - iPhone digital dictation app

nFlow - iPhone digital dictation app

Our most recent email newsletter talked about iPhone apps and nFlow were kind enough to email me with details of their iPhone app.

As well as their other mobile solutions nFlow have also just launched their hosted Digital Dictation solution, allowing fee earners to access their work from anywhere without the upfront costs of non-cloud solutions.

This would seem ideal for smaller law firms or those whose IT budgets have been slashed this year.  The only issue here is whether people really "trust" cloud computing ( yet.

In nFlow's words, "Increased mobility (therefore productivity) and reduced costs are obviously really key topics at the moment and we are noticing that our own mobile solutions on the BB, iPhone or via PDA’s have been increasingly popular within the legal market and the notion of being more ‘Voice Productive,’ (not only dictating documents but also using this technology for instructional messaging for e.g) is something we are keen to promote."

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