Google Analytics Network Location Report

Google Analytics Network Location Report

This is how to get to the Network Location report which is provided by Google Analytics :-

  1. Log in to Google Analtyics.
  2. In the left hand navigation click on Visitors.
  3. Then click on Network Properties.
  4. Then click on Network Location.

The resulting list shows Which internet service providers your website users use. This report allows you to track the internet service provider (ISP) domains to which the website user resolves. The domain is determined by the internet service that owns the user's internet protocol (IP) identifier.  This is called a "WHOIS" lookup, and sometimes it's possible to actually identify company names from this report.

Have a look at the screenshot below.

 Google Analytics Network report

(Click the image to see a larger version in a new window)

This shows that two law firms Lawson West and Wosskow Brown have both been looking at our website in the last 30 days.  This is very useful information to me as Wosskow Brown have just become a client.  Whereas Lawson West received some direct mail from us in the last 30 days so perhaps they are interested?

Not every organisation who accesses your website can be tracked in this way, but it's a fascinating and useful report nonetheless.