Today is going to be a busy day, it's going to see a lot of connections made with new and current contacts.
Here's the run down in numbers :-
23 - potential hours worth of networking
7 - o'clock in the morning at Bristol Bridge Breakfast Club
60 - calls to new contacts discussing website plans with Conscious (9:30 - 5:30)
34 - other business contacts to meet and greet in speed networking between 7.30 and 8.30 at the Only Connect 2nd Anniversary evening
3 - free complimentary glasses of champagne to be consumed (collectively for our team) at the start of Only Connect evening
5 - o'clock on Friday morning. Potential finishing time of Only Connect networking(some business, some social)
1 - decent fry up that I might need tomorrow morning at Poly Clogs adjacent to our office!