OK, so the full title was “Client feedback – gaining buy-in and maximising insight” and bearing in mind I took one client as my guest and another happened to turn up, I was always a little bit nervous about what was going to be said!
The speakers were Sue Manik (Head of Clients Addleshaw Goddard) and Anna Rushall (Head of National Marketing, BDO) who both gave excellent talks on what they firms are doing with respect to gathering feedback and how they sought/got permission at the highest level in each business to embark on such programmes.
For example, how do you tell a Partner in a firm of their size that they clients ARE going to have to participate in a client feedback programme and that no, they (the Partner) are not going to be the person asking the questions! That’s pretty tough, but needs to be done.
For all the reasons us marketer/BD people know, if you are too close to a project/client, can we really do client listening/client feedback interviews as dispassionately as we need to to get the feedback that can really improve our business going forward. Probably not.
Anyway, enough rabbiting on, here’s my mindmap of the evening or click the image to download the two page PDF (one mindmap per speaker).