It appears that a number of law firms are planning on doing their own HIPs preparation and not using services like or the Law Society/Search Flow service.
The big problem with distributing HIPs is the filesize of the completed reports. Our research has shown that if the output of all the HIP documentation is saved as a PDF it can be as much as 20MB in size. A 20MB file is too big in many cases to email to people, particularly if they are "home users" with limited mailbox space. This explains why the Law Society solution offers you the ability to order the HIP on a old fashioned!!
Our LegalVault system will accept files of any size. So you email the file(s) to our system, we strip off the files(s) and store them securely. You are then notified by email as to the location of the file which is available via a secure download. This email can then be forwarded on to your client allowing them to download the HIP.
Please complete the following form to be taken to obtain a presentation about our LegalVault solution for HIPs.