Gitomers Selling Principles Applied to the Legal Sector

Gitomers Selling Principles Applied to the Legal Sector

On Friday last week I had the pleasure and honour of attending a full day seminar on Selling Techniques, Attitudes and Customer/Client Loyalty, presented by American business and sales guru Jeffrey Gitomer.

While educating and presenting with his own inspirational enthusiasm and style, he set out to help like-minded people from across the globe grasp various concepts using often simple but very well thought out ways to promote and build both their own personal and professional ‘brands’. During the course, he went into great detail into how and when to use the right blend of creativity and understanding towards your clients/customer needs, while proving all the principles can cross all boundaries when selling professional services. (even the legal sector!)

A great example of this was when he told a story of how invited three attorneys to come to pitch to him regarding arrangements his family’s’ inheritance. Attorney No. 1 arrived at his office, simply took a framed photograph of a government building from his briefcase and asked Jeffrey to hang the frame up, and then asked “Where would you rather your money goes when you die > Your family or the government?” A ballsy yet innovative way to sell a legal service, but the deal was done there and then.

There was no ‘pitch’, no manipulative talk, but just simple creative thinking and bringing emotive values to the ‘sale’. The firm proved to have a good understanding of their prospective client’s emotive reasons for buying and as Gitomer would put it, ‘earned’ the deal rather than “selling it” him.