Wow! Struan Robertson, what a great speaker!

Wow! Struan Robertson, what a great speaker!

Wow!  I was completely blown away last night.  I had the pleasure of dining at The Ivy in London, no, not in main restaurant, but at the PM Forum Annual Dinner in the upstairs room.  Now the food was great, but that was not what I was blown away by.

I was blown away by Struan Robertson of FindingMax.  Now, I do a fair amount of speaking/presenting and get told that I do a pretty good job.  OK, so modesty doesn't become me, I'm actually very good (or so I'm told).  However, I am still a beginner compared to Struan.  He is one of the most charistmatic, oh so very prepared yet seemingly off-the-cuff, presenters I have ever had the pleasure of listening to/watching.  He's right up there with Peter Thomson who I think it also one of the best.

FindingMax have a great set of coaching/training products, and although I don't know them as an organisation very well (yet), if the rest of their team and their services are anything like as good as Struan, then I suspect they are FANTASTIC!