Direct mail works, it really does!

Direct mail works, it really does!

We did some direct marketing recently that was very "targeted".  The letters went to the Marketing Director and Managing Partner of some large firms.

The letters then got followed up personally by me on the phone.  I'm not going to give away the exact secret of the letter, but suffice it to say it was "memorable". 

So much so that when I called one Marketing Director last Friday he said "Yes, I remember that letter but we are very happy working with [name of supplier] so we're not really a good target for you…." but then we went on to talk about the letter for a good five minutes, at the end of which he said "Even though I'm not a target I've given you more time than I would most people, so the letter must have worked".  Praise indeed.

Then it got better yesterday, we got this email from said Marketing Director.



Thanks for your interest in [Firm Name].  Further to your call last week and innovative pitch with the [secret], I just wanted to say thanks for that and let you know that I [did something with it - removed the real text].

As I explained we are very happy with [Name] our current suppliers and I would be wasting your time if we were to take our discussions any further at this stage.  However, I was impressed with the [secret] and so will remember you when you follow-up in 6 months or whatever.

Regards and thanks,


Excellent, now I have permission to follow up in six months!