It's unlikely you will get a client from a single tweet but it starts the conversation...

It's unlikely you will get a client from a single tweet but it starts the conversation...

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A conversation that no one will hear if you don't follow anyone and don't get people involved! A law firms time is constrained, so we all know – fee earners are busy fee earning but the task of getting clients through the door is still there so the legal sector should at least pay attention to Twitter and what it can do.

Take a seminar on clinical negligence for example – people need to know some information about the event to decide whether it's worth turning up to. That vehicle works the same for Twitter – give people something of value to read about, retweet about and engage with you.

It is better to think of Twitter as a 'marketing mechanism' – no endless dribble that clients and prospects couldn't care less about, but a channel which I now feel every law firm should tune into that will keep them abreast of important information in their practice area – information such as what potential clients are getting frustrated about and what current clients feel is important.  

Moreover, you can add a Twitter feed to your hompage and add content to it on a regularly basis giving the visitor a great impression that the firm is up to date with news important to your clients.

The difficulty given to the marketing departments of some law firms is that it is problematic to set an exact ROI on the usage of Twitter. It is unlikely you will strike a visible deal from a tweet – but piece by piece a picture (be it news, events, seminars vital to your firms future) can be painted on a regularly basis about issues important to law firm's day to day business.

People are talking about your practice area, the legal sector as a whole – make sure your firm is not missing out.

Want to know more? Get a copy of our 51 Killer Tactics for an Effective Social Media Strategy for Law Firms booklet.