Tikit TFB National User Group 2011

Tikit TFB National User Group 2011

View profile for David Gilroy
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Conscious attended the Tikit TFB National User Group (#nug11) in London last week. It was a great opportunity to meet up with clients and friends, and to hear some excellent talks on the future of the legal sector.

Those changes are being brought about by the Legal Services Act which allows for legal services to be delivered by a range of alternative business structures, 50 of which are in the pipeline to be signed off by the Solicitors Regulation Authority in 2012.

Speakers at the conference, including Ron Voden and Chris Bull, stressed the importance of the effective use of IT for gaining an advantage. This includes websites, for communication, marketing and service delivery.

Large trusted brands (Co-Op, Marks & Spencers) will be entering the market and may find it easier to provide or attract the investment needed to succeed in what is a very competitive market.

As the largest provider of digital marketing expertise in the UK legal sector, we can help existing, smaller firms to compete. We can help you design, manage and make the most of your website and intranet. We also offer training on digital marketing and the effective use of social media.