One of the principles we teach in our social media training (opens a PDF) is that of only connecting with people who have either spoken to or met. It's fine to connect "through" someone else using the "Get introduced through a connection" option.
The texta below are ones that we use when connecting with people, the first one is the one we use when someone we have not spoken to or met asks us to connect with them directly, rather than going through an intermediate connection
Hi ????
Thanks for the connection invite. I have a policy of only connecting with people I've either spoken to or met, either that or they have been referred to me through another LinkedIn contact.
If we have met or spoken, then please remind me, or feel free to give me a call on 0117 325 0202 or 07976 289015.
These two can be used immediately after you've met/spoken with someone with whom you would like to be connected.
Hi ????, good speaking with you yesterday, we should be connected here on LinkedIn as well as IRL (in real life).
Hi ????, good to meet you yesterday, we should be connected here on LinkedIn as well as in real life!
This one can be used when LinkedIn makes suggestions of people you may know. Remember the "have you met/spoken" rule, if you have not, then ask for a connection through an intermediat connection
Hi ????,
LinkedIn seems to think we know each other...clever these damm computers nowadays!! Let's be connected.
Clearly you can adjust the text to suit your own style, these are just to give you some ideas. Copy & paste them into a Word/Notepad file and keep it readily available on your computer desktop.