Do you know how to set objectives? Notes from a PM Forum seminar

Do you know how to set objectives? Notes from a PM Forum seminar

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Last night I got up off my ass and took myself to Birmingham to attend the PM Forum seminar on "objective setting".  I was keen to go for two reasons.

  1. Ray Oldfield's software application ObjectiveManager had been recommended to me by Nicole Bachman and Ray and I had not had a chance to connect.  I was looking forward to see what he and Nancy Slessenger had to say.
  2. I owed Mike Gahan the CEO of HCB Solicitors a beer so it was the ideal chance to catch up with him and other contacts in the Birmingham area (Hamish, you are forgiven).

There were around 20 people at the Pinsent Masons office and I have to say they were the perfect hosts (the mustard sausages were to die for).

As for the seminar content, it was great. Both Ray and particularly Nancy knew how to convey some great information with some super minimal slides.  No "death by PowerPoint" here.

If you want to see my take on it then download my mindmap that I created as my notes for the evening.  And, more importantly, take a really good look at  I'm going to.

P.S. No, the photo of the sexy, grey haired, older bloke on the front page of the ObjectiveManager is not Ray <g>!