Mobile Sites Vs. Apps - Spot the Difference

Mobile Sites Vs. Apps - Spot the Difference

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Many clients ask us if a mobile website is the same thing as an App. It’s surprising how easily the two can get confused and there are some vital differences between them.

With the increase in smartphone and tablet devices that have ‘Apps’ as their primary tools, It’s no wonder that thinking about creating an ‘App’ seems to be the next logical step for your firm.

However, there are important differences between an ‘App’ and a mobile website to be aware of.

Apps are only compatible with particular operating systems. Not all apps created can be used across devices. For example, an App created for Apple’s App Store will be no use to a user on a Windows or Android Phone. They just don’t mix. 

So that means you end up developing for iOS, Windows AND Android!

Apps can also be highly expensive to create and often come with a licensing price tag, plus what features would you realistically have on this App in order for it to be worth downloading?

Most Apps downloaded for smart phones, unless the obvious few such as Facebook and BBC Iplayer are going to be stored away on at least the 3rd or 4th page of the phone’s App list. Legal firms' Apps are not needed all the time and that’s why mobile sites are probably more what you had in mind.

Compare the above to a mobile website and you’ll be surprised how cost efficient and more effective this tool can be.

Mobile websites are primarily a streamlined version of a main desktop site. They require no ‘purchase’ or download from an App store and hold just as much vital information for a visitor viewing your site.

We find that the top three pages viewed on any site are Contact details, People and Services. So what have we done?  We’ve made sure that our mobile websites include these three things.

The last thing someone is going to want to do is download an App in order to find your contact info or information on your services as this can often be time consuming and that defeats the point of mobile browsing.

Mobile websites are there in order for that visitors to not be put off by zooming and pinching the screen to find your number, to scroll down for several seconds to find the information they want.  It’s all there at their fingertips (excuse the pun)

So if you’ve heard the term ‘App’ used by your colleagues remember to make them aware that there is a difference as they may be thinking of a mobile site not an App.

For more information on creating a mobile site for your firm ask your Account Manager or see our website for more information on mobile sites for law firms.