Dogsbody with Parrott and Coales Solicitors

Dogsbody with Parrott and Coales Solicitors

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The Orange Dog front has been rather quiet of late. In fact, as time went on, we were becoming increasingly concerned for his safety again,  given his frankly traumatic ordeal being gagged and tied to a chair a little while back! 

Although off to a shakey start at his recent visit to the Parrott and Coales offices in Buckinghamshire, (Dogsbody struggled to find the front door), he soon settled down, literally that is, in what can only be described as a rather regal looking throne!

We were very pleased to hear that he worked for his stay however, returning from his lunch break dressed for the part to take up a locum role in litigation*.



*Parrott and Coales are still waiting to hear from their insurers regarding whether Dogsbody's role at the firm will continue...