Every month, amongst a whole host of other reports, we get one which details the monthly uptime on our servers; translated into several graphs and tables. Consistently, this consists of 99.96% uptime.
When you invest in us, one of our strengths is to ensure that whenever your clients go on to your website, it’s never unavailable. OK, so it’s not exactly 100%, but our reports check for any moment of unavailability, even if it’s just what we know as a “routing problem” which just last a few seconds and is invisible to normal website users.
Below is a copy of the server report which we get monthly, which, before you ask, is in English!! Well, a kind of techie English. What it actually means is that during the month of August there was 99.96% uptime on our servers. And to think, all of this is going on right under your very noses; without the aid of a safety net. Even what looks like a 13 minute outage on 22 August was not a “real outage” i.e. where your website was truly unavailable. On that serious note, ensuring that your website is available 24x7 is one of the unseen aspects of our service, and so it should be.
If you or your clients start to notice your website being unavailable, then clearly something is wrong at our end. However, 99.95% uptime translates to just 17 mins in total of a 31 day month (or of 44,640 minutes) where there was even the tiniest hint of any problems. In fact, even those for the most part were connected to wider internet connectivity problems rather than our servers i.e. the “routing problem” outlined above.
If you have any further questions, feel free to take them up with your Account Manager during your next review.