Conscious Canine Charity Challenge
If you have ever seen us out and about you may have seen our ‘Orange Dogs’ dotted around conference venues and making an impact at conference dinners up and down the country.
Well, last week at LawNet’s annual conference and award ceremony a plan was hatched and now one of our dogs is off ‘on tour’. He (or she) is going to be moved between LawNet firms at regional meetings, supper events, basically at any given opportunity and we are going to make a £10 charity donation for each firm who ‘homes’ him. The firms can match it if they wish and if they do LawNet will also stump up £10, so each stop could put £30 in the pot!
Richard Phillips from Matthew Arnold & Baldwin LLP got us started at the conference dinner and also put a rugby shirt on our pooch…
And Paul Lowe from Darby’s has now taken receipt! The staff love our conspicuous canine by all accounts, with Paul being asked to build him a kennel by the front door!
I wonder where he will end up next? We’ll keep you updated with pictures and the size of the charity fund!