Can static design be as bad as static content?

Can static design be as bad as static content?

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Okay okay, you probably won't consider changing your carpets or painting the same room a different colour every couple of years in your house, but ask yourself this, how often do you see new promotions and design across the UK today?

Sure, there is a need to identify a strong brand for your clients and prospects. However, at the same time, there needs to be a freshness and assertiveness applied to your design online to make your firm as appealing as possible to potential clients.

The speed and ingenuity of online technology has over time brought law firm and client closer together. Contact forms, social media and online payment facilities have all been important factors in cementing more direct channels of communication in the legal sector.

The functionality of the design of your website will be one of the major components and how said client accesses your services. Such is the speed of those developments, it is paramount that law firms undertake major design reviews on a periodic basis.

By having updated, relevant content naturally gives the website life-but its heart is in its design. For example take a look at the internal components, is it as accessible for your staff as it possibly could be? Does the design enable new technologies to suit the functionality presented to visitors?

The message from clients is clear, engage with me. Does your website enable them to do this with ease?

Another angle to look at is clarity of message given to the visitor. Mobile sites strip down a lot of the data, ridding the design of the complexities of content, presenting only information that is key to the strong long-lasting relationship between firm and client without compromising on the creativeness of your website’s brand.

Ignoring the significance of access to mobile content could damage the law firms online presence as the need for fast, clear content without getting bogged down with unnecessary data via mobiles, grows significantly.

Embrace design, embrace innovation but most importantly embrace clarity of message when looking at reviewing your website’s design and functions.