More claims management companies than you can shake a stick at!

More claims management companies than you can shake a stick at!

Interesting article in The Gazette last week on the impending deadline for businesses who want to be authorised as claims managers.  The Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) who are managing the regulation say they expect over 700 applications. 

The http:/ website has only 25 businesses registered so far, so they have a LOT of work to do over the next few weeks.  Some of the early "registrants" include Injury Lawyers 4 U as well as names you might not know, like Kevin Stokes, who would appear to run http:/ 

For someone like me, it's great to get this kind of visibility of who is running the claims sites, it's just a shame that the claims regulation website does not list the website addresses run by each of the claims managers.  Below is  a copy of my email to Mark Boleat, Head of Claims Management Regulation at the DCA.


From: David Gilroy <>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 18:16:41 +0000
Subject: FAO: Mark Boleat
Dear Mark,

Excuse my intrusion during what must be an incredibly busy time for you in the run up to your 16 February deadline.

As someone involved in the legal sector, i.e. the supply of websites, I was interested to see that the http:/ website does not list the websites that each claims management company runs.

In the name of transparency, I would have thought this would have been a key feature in terms of helping the public understand who they are dealing with.

I, and the readers of my blog (http:/ would be interested in your comments.


David Gilroy
Sales & Marketing Director, Conscious Solutions Limited
Tel: 0117 903 1129
Mobile : 07976 289015
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