You might not always have time to do things the long way, and you might not always want to spend a fortune. For those times, I've put together a list of free tools that can help with all the extras. If you have any more to add to the list, get in...
Site structure is one of those topics that Webmasters sometimes agonise over. For example: will the fact that my content is on level 3 rather than level 1 influence how it is treated by Google? The short answer is “no” and this post tells you...
Update 27-Oct-2015 - You can now register your .law domain name through us at We wrote about the impending introduction of the new .law top level domain , back in April. Well, just today we’ve found out more about the process...
When it comes to purchasing products, consumers have been been buying online for quite some time now. It’s a secure and convenient method of making payment, and now law firms are increasingly using this system to facilitate transactions from their...
Moz, one of the leading companies in SEO research and tools has recently released a new study on the most important ranking factors for Local Search in 2015. These ranking factors are based on a survey that is filled out every year by top people in the...