On Friday I received an email from Twitter, an email too enticing to resist even at 5pm. That email was a prompt to ‘give your profile a makeover’, so I did…Here’s a before and after screenshot of the @Conscioussol profile: Old...
Anyone involved in web development knows that it's important to test sites on many different browsers, but which browsers need to be supported and when is it OK to drop support for an old browser? To answer these questions we keep an eye on usage...
Hello Conscious followers! Russell Gregory here - recently joined the mighty Conscious team as Search Marketing Manager, overseeing all things SEO, Social Media & Search Marketing related for all of our lovely clients. SEO isn’t dead....
Whoo hoo, LinkedIn has hit 300 million members worldwide. Did you know that in the UK we use LinkedIn more on our mobile devices than on our desktop computers. Every day LinkedIn see an average of 15 million profile views, 1.45 million job views and...
You may have read about a significant security issue that has been reported in mainstream media recently: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-26935905 If you are interested in such things, as we are, it’s a fascinating story and a reminder of how...