Survey on ABSs please help someone out

Survey on ABSs please help someone out

Help is requested by Jon Roberts of Nelsons with a short survey relating to the likely use of Alternative Business Structures (ABSs) under the Legal Services Act 2007 when the Act is fully implemented in the latter part of next year.

Jon is researching the subject as part of a dissertation for an MBA at the University of Liverpool. A short online survey can be found at the link below and should take only 2-3 minutes to complete. There are 15 questions, most of which require a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. The responses will be entirely anonymous.

Your help in completing the survey will be very much appreciated. It is Jon’s intention to supply us with a copy of the results of the survey shortly after the closing date. If you would like a personal copy, please let Jon know at and he will send you a copy of the results of the survey directly

To take part in the survey simply click on to :-