Book Review: Rework by Fried & Heinemeier Hansson

Book Review: Rework by Fried & Heinemeier Hansson

The screwed up piece of paper that creatively supplemented the sub title of ‘Change the Way You Work Forever’ and a quote from marketing guru Seth Godin almost demanding you read it, helped the book into my shopping basket.

There are a lot of books out there that will claim to change your thinking, plot new ideas into your thoughts and help you find new paths in your career, but it is the way the authors deliver their message in this one which I think is the key here.

The best way to describe this book is akin to a collection of content rich, valuable blogs that really try to harness the reasoning behind your career and work. It reads very much along the lines of not working longer and harder but working smarter. It oozes simplicity in its message, grabbing its reader by the lapels into a world full of fresh ideas.

It’s about doing something you enjoy, with passion, carving out your own niche, whether you’re a business owner or not. It draws the reader’s attention to build upon good intentions in your work and create a valuable idea and not to be bogged down by drawn out ‘obstacles’ that are put in the way of small businesses.

The beauty of this book is that in a world where attention spans are shortening, this hits you with several WOW factors page after page.

Whether you be a CEO, director, or in marketing, this book can speak to you with a great message about how you look at your career.

Matt Elson