What is SEO Outreach for Law Firms?
SEO outreach is a proactive strategy that involves reaching out to other websites, blogs, and online platforms to establish collaborations, secure guest posting opportunities, and acquire backlinks. For law firms, SEO outreach focuses on positioning the firm as a thought leader in the legal industry, attracting high-quality referral traffic, and improving search engine rankings through authoritative backlinks from reputable sources.
Conscious has discovered through years of success stories just how vital SEO outreach is to the Digital PR for law firms strategy. We found that the benefits of SEO for law firms are undeniable, from increased online visibility to targeted traffic and enhanced credibility. By understanding how SEO outreach works and embracing its principles, law firms can effectively harness the power of digital PR for solicitors and lawyers to expand their client base and solidify their position in the competitive legal landscape.
Why should I choose Conscious to support my SEO Outreach?
SEO outreach for law firms involves a strategic approach to building backlinks and establishing the firm's authority in the legal domain. These links also serve as a secondary point of entry for your primary website, without the client having had to actually look you or your services up. Effectively, you are able to bypass the search process, which can be particularly ideal for clients who do not know the terminology to describe their circumstances or were initially just looking for people with a similar story to theirs.
Instead of using the search engine in a traditional and upfront way, having your name and story out there for clients to navigate to will make the discovery feel more seamless and perhaps target clients who didn’t know that they could access the sort of help/ representation that you offer. Not to forget that third-party mentions will boost your credibility and increase your authority, ranking you higher in search engine results.
The SEO Outreach process involves:
Content Creation
We produce high-quality, informative content that showcases the law firm's expertise and addresses relevant legal topics. Conscious has multiple specialist departments all working together to produce high-quality, expert content that works on a range of platforms, targeting your demographic directly whilst bolstering brand association, recognisability, and amplifying your company’s reputation.
One of the most effective techniques in building a friendly reputation is to both show and tell.
We tell your clients and the general public about your ethos, services and successes with high quality and informative content. By sending this content to other media sources and collaborating with them, you can get the word out there and celebrate your staff’s successes and capabilities, alongside your past and current clients progress.
Your clients are then shown that not only do you have these impressive accreditations and stories, but that you’re interested in reaching them where they are and are engaged in the same communities and news sources as them. This bridges the gap between the legal world and the general public in a friendly, unintimidating way.
Shared opinions on a worldly topic can be a huge unifying force. If a client reaches out to you having seen your words on a platform that they regularly engage with, then the legal journey starts from a foundation of camaraderie. Not to mention if they are nervous about making first contact with you, then having a shared topic or story to bring up could help to get the conversation started.
Link Building
We contact a range of sites to secure backlinks for our clients, which not only enhances the firm's website authority but also drives referral traffic.
Authority and referral traffic are one of the key means of boosting how readily found your firm is, but also in improving the circumstances of exactly how you’re found.
Being discovered through a high-quality news source or a popular media source can bring good associations to your name. It’s very similar to getting an endorsement and adds an aspect of credibility to the one being discussed. Furthermore, the additional platform offers you an opportunity to express the good qualities of your firm in a more effusive and relaxed manner without having to worry about coming across as quite-so professional.
People expect a more friendly and cheerful tone from social media than they do from a service page. You can benefit from a more expressive and friendly tone used by your collaborator in their post about you much the same as you can in keeping the more emotional and heartfelt positive reviews on the top page of results.