Christmas Marketing for Law Firms: Why It's Time to Get Festive

Christmas Marketing for Law Firms: Why It's Time to Get Festive

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So, full disclosure, I used ChatGPT to come up with a festive blog post title. Granted it turned out quite cringey, but I kind of like it. I’ll admit that I can be a Scrooge – I pretty much hate all Christmas songs, and can’t bear to go into a shop where they are playing, but since working at Conscious, I’ve come to appreciate the subtle little Christmas details and the work that goes into creating them so much more.

Our Head of Design Tracey brings my Christmas marketing ideas to life in a tasteful and very Conscious way— I hope you agree. Our social media posts for the advent calendar have a clear theme, and they show off our planned and well-executed social media account. Christmas is a time for us to get “fun” and be a bit different to our year-round marketing tactics. I know that as a law firm, that might not be the approach you are looking for, and I’m told time and time again by people that we don’t want to be seen as fun, but I do think it helps us showcase our personality and stand out from other digital marketing agencies.

With a sprinkle of creativity and some holiday cheer, Christmas marketing for law firms can enhance brand awareness, engage clients, and make your practice more relatable.

We’re not trying to force the Scrooges among you to go all out, but a little Christmas-ified logo, or a touch of branded snow on your Meet the Team page or on the banner on your website that clearly states your opening times can go a long way in helping your firm stand out and appear more communicative. We're serious marketers, but, alongside that, we can have some of the “fun” stuff. If you're not convinced, here are some very practical marketing benefits that Christmas marketing can support with too! 

1. Stand out from competitors

Who says law firms can’t get in on the winter wonderland fun? Adding a subtle snow effect to your website can be a simple yet effective way to bring the magic of the season to your clients’ screens. Imagine potential clients visiting your page and being greeted by gently falling snowflakes in your branded colour… It's not just eye-catching; it instantly creates a warm, approachable feel.

Now, we know what you're thinking— “Aren't law firms supposed to be serious and professional?” Yes, of course! But Christmas marketing for law firms can blend professionalism with holiday cheer. A delicate snow effect can subtly remind visitors that your firm understands the festive season. Done tastefully, this can humanise your brand and make it more memorable in a sea of legal websites that stick to the same look, mood, and colours.

Have a look at our law firm Christmas marketing page for some insight into what branded snow could look like.

2. Add some personality

Christmas marketing for law firms should be all about showing off your personality without losing your brand’s integrity. By incorporating simple elements like a Santa hat, some holly, or a Christmas tree into your logo, you create a fun, holiday-appropriate twist while keeping your professional identity intact.

This is a particularly great tactic for social media platforms, where branding plays a big role in visibility and engagement. A Christmas-themed logo on your posts can make your brand more recognisable. You could also create an animated version of your logo with twinkling lights or wreaths! Not only does it make you stand out, but it also signals to potential clients that you’re active and up-to-date— an essential trait for any law firm.

Here are some examples of our clients’ festive logos. Aren't they cute and more importantly, pretty memorable? 



3. Answer your clients’ questions

One of the key components of successful Christmas marketing for law firms is offering valuable seasonal content. With the holidays come unique legal challenges—family law issues, employment disputes over pay, wills and estates, and maybe even a personal injury case.

Writing blog posts or creating video content that addresses these specific holiday concerns can demonstrate your firm’s expertise and commitment to helping clients year-round.

For example, you might publish content like:

  • “How to Navigate Holiday Family Custody Disputes”
  • “Avoiding Legal Pitfalls in Your Company’s Christmas Party”
  • “Steps to Take If You’re Injured in a Winter Accident”

Not only does this type of content tap into relevant issues that people face during the holiday season, but it’s also highly searchable. People look for advice on these specific topics at this time of year, so your firm could rank higher in searches. By weaving in timely topics, you’re enhancing your Christmas marketing for law firms while also providing real value to your audience. Once a client has a positive experience with you for their festive-season needs, then they are likely to keep you in mind when more work comes up in the future.

4. Share valuable content in another way

With offices closing early or taking extra days off for the holidays, it’s important to clearly communicate your availability to clients. A festive banner on your website that outlines your holiday opening hours and links to important information (such as emergency contact details or instructions on how clients can get in touch during closures) can save everyone a lot of time and confusion.

The key here is to make it festive. Using a Christmas-themed banner—complete with seasonality, your brand’s colours, and even a cheerful message—keeps it in line with your Christmas marketing for law firms while ensuring clients can easily find what they need. A well-designed banner shows that you’re organised and thoughtful about your client’s needs, even during the busy holiday season, and not with a slap-dash note but a full festive motif. Plus, it's a nice way to remind them that your firm is still there for them, even if you're operating on reduced hours.

5. Showcase your personality

Your social media channels can be a powerful part of your Christmas marketing for law firms. Why not create branded Christmas-themed templates for your posts? Whether it’s sharing holiday wishes, promoting your seasonal blog content, or providing reminders about holiday hours, Christmas-themed social media posts make your brand come across as festive and engaging. They make it easy to post consistent, professional-looking content during the holidays.

For example:

  • Post client testimonials with Christmas-themed borders.
  • Share your team’s holiday spirit with fun facts or photos, or any community initiatives you’ve been getting involved with.
  • Launch a “12 Days of Legal Tips” campaign, offering a new holiday-related legal tip each day.

These simple tweaks to your social media strategy can leverage Christmas marketing for law firms to your advantage whilst adding a touch of joy and relatability to your usual professional persona.

6. Building client relationships

Another key advantage to Christmas marketing for law firms is the opportunity to connect with clients on a more personal level. Sending out holiday greetings, whether through email or traditional mail, is a wonderful way to express your appreciation for their trust and business throughout the year.

A simple, well-designed Christmas card with a warm message can go a long way. Whether you include a heartfelt thank-you, a fun photo of the team in festive sweaters, or even a promotional offer for your services, this small gesture reinforces your relationship with clients and keeps your firm top of mind as they head into the new year.

7. Show community spirit

Another great aspect of Christmas marketing for law firms is participating in community outreach or charity events. The holiday season is the perfect time to show that your firm is invested in giving back. Highlighting your charitable efforts on your website and social media not only helps others, but it also boosts your firm’s image.

Christmas marketing for law firms doesn’t have to be stuffy or out of place, and it doesn’t have to be extreme or tacky either. From adding some subtle festive snow effects on your website to rebranding your logo with a holiday twist, there are countless ways to spread cheer while also enhancing your marketing strategy.

A seasonal effort — whether through blog content, banners, or social media templates — helps you to connect with clients during the festive season and reinforces your place in their memory.

If you want to discuss your Christmas marketing with us, get in touch at or 0117 325 0200.