I think it's safe to say that Dogsbody's most eventful trip so far has been his journey to Metcalfes Solicitors in Bristol; we're basing this on the sheer volume of photos we received, but also how much fun he appeared to be having in each of them! Not only did they give Dogsbody a collar, bowl and, what looked like a playpen, but as the pictures progressed, we saw they went even further...
For starters, he'd always longed for ears. Now, a talented bunch they may be, but a solicitor's strong point is not plastic surgery, so sadly for Dogsbody, these ears were slightly more on the makeshift side, but he seemed pleased nonetheless. In an attempt to combat his loneliness (bless him, he's been separated from his orange family for a while now!), the Metcalfes' team introduced him to a friend; one that appeared to enjoy clambering over his back.
If you're thinking Metcalfes stopped here, you'd be wrong... They also photographed Dogsbody in his full Metcalfes' mascot attire which he wore for the Bristol 10k! He sported his medal with pride, face beaming (literally). We're glad he's received recognition for his extensive efforts! Sports still on the brain, the last shots caught of him depicted our orange friend getting into a bit of a tangle with celebratory Olympic bunting; fingers crossed he'll be out of the mess before the opening ceremony on Friday!
More adventures from Dogsbody to follow!