How long to process a COLP/COFA application?

How long to process a COLP/COFA application?

  • Posted

So how long does the SRA plan on taking to approve each law firms' application?  Here's some quick calculations I did based on the some some rough numbers of law firms in the UK.

No of Firms11,000
No. COLPs/COFAs22,000
No. Working Days to 31-Dec104
Approvals per Day212
No. People Working10
Working Hours/Day7.5
Effective Working Hours/Day6.0
Time (mins) spent per review17.02


How does that sound?  God knows how long law firms spent making each application but I suspect it was more than 17 mins.

If anyone from the SRA is reading this, feel free to post a comment and correct my maths.