Conscious Code

Conscious Code

If you’ve known Conscious for a while, you’ll remember that we started with ‘mantras’. But, after listening to the feedback from our team, it was decided that as the business develops, a new approach was required.  

After several workshops involving the whole team and run by our friends at The Culture Consultancy, and then the formation of the Culture Design Group made up of team members, the Conscious Code came to life.

Nicknamed ‘G&T over ICE’ by one of our clients, the Conscious Mission, Values and Goals are hard to forget.

Conscious Code

Our vision is the overarching goal of the business.

Our mission is something we strive to achieve for all our clients in the work we do for them.

Our values are embedded in everything we do. 

Our attitude is how we do everything we do.

Our goals are some of the internal targets we are striving for.

We run a monthly MVP programme where staff nominate their peers for doing their day job exceptionally well or doing something outside the scope of their day job.  When making those nominations, our values must be considered, and the person nominating explains how the recipient’s behaviour is aligned with those values.

In each team member's monthly Catchup meeting with their manager, they are expected to describe behaviours they have exhibited in the last month that support at least two of the values. They are also asked about what behaviours they have seen in other people.

During recruitment, we ask candidates to pick two values and explain how, in the last month, they have behaved in a way aligned with those two values.

Our words are not just 'words on a page'.